Sustainable Development
Sustainable products and services
In the past few years, it has become clearer that being environmentally friendly is essential for growing and improving a business. In a world that rewards producers of eco-friendly goods or services, the availability of transparent information on environmental impacts takes on a crucial strategic role for firms.
However, it can be difficult to plan an effective business strategy based on environmental sustainability because of the various terms, studies, calculations, and definitions that the green transition brings.
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Sustainable Development
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a global approach used to assess a product's or service's impact on the environment and human health. This means figuring out how much energy and resources are involved in the product's life cycle, from the beginning of its creation to its use, recycling, and waste disposal.
It's important to understand that an LCA study does not certify the reduced environmental impact of a product or service. Instead, it provides precise data on its environmental impact, which can be used strategically.
The main advantages of conducting an LCA study for your product or service include:
- Measuring and verifying the actual sustainability level
- Identifying opportunities for improving environmental performance
- Obtaining ecological labels or environmental certifications for effective environmental communication.
Depending on your needs, it is possible to focus the LCA study on specific stages of the product or service life cycle.
Thanks to our 20+ years of experience in the field, at mtm consulting srl we will assist you throughout the entire LCA study. We provide technical assistance and operational execution from the very first planning stages to ensure that the study matches your business goals and strategies.
mtm consulting srl also offers support and document drafting activities related to:
- Obtaining the Environmental Product Declaration
- Managing relations with certification bodies.
That's not all! Beyond LCA
- Willing to learn the fundamental methods, calculations, and tools to plan your company's sustainability strategies? At mtm we offer specific training courses that can be accessed online or conducted at your company (available in Italian only). Click here to explore our learning options!
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Sustainable Development
The carbon footprint is a measure used to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions caused by various entities such as products, services, organizations, events, and individuals. It helps us understand the environmental impact of human activities on our planet.
The carbon footprint considers several greenhouse gasses as defined by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
To make comparisons and calculations easier, the carbon footprint is typically expressed in tons of CO2 equivalent. This unit of measurement corresponds to the amount of each greenhouse gas converted into its equivalent contribution to CO2 pollution. For example, if methane is 21 times more polluting than CO2, emitting one ton of methane is equivalent to emitting 21 tons of CO2.
When calculating the carbon footprint, different entities can be assessed, such as products, services, companies, individuals, or events. For companies, the most important kinds to know about are:
- A product's carbon footprint: It quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product throughout its entire lifecycle. This includes activities starting with resource extraction, production, use, recycling, and disposal of residual waste. The purpose is to identify areas for emission reduction and compensation.
- An organization's carbon footprint: It creates an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions for the company's annual business year. It helps establish the company's carbon footprint and serves as a basis for managing and reducing emissions.
Understanding both the product's and organization's carbon footprint allows businesses and individuals to take proactive measures to reduce their environmental impact.
When comparing a product's carbon footprint calculation to a life cycle assessment study, it is important to note that the carbon footprint calculation focuses only on greenhouse gas emissions. This makes it a simplified representation that is less complex to produce compared to a comprehensive LCA study of a product or service.
Despite its simplicity, the carbon footprint generally accounts for around 50% of the overall ecological footprint of a product or service. Therefore, understanding its size provides a valuable indicator of the environmental impact of your company.
The choice between the two methods depends on your specific objective in conducting the study.
Thanks to our 20+ years of experience in the field, at mtm consulting srl we offer assistance and support in achieving an accurate and thorough calculation of your product, service, or organization's carbon footprint. We not only provide operational execution of the calculation procedures, but we also offer guidance in the early planning stages, aiming to align the chosen approach with the company's objectives and strategies.
At mtm we offer a 100% online modular training course that covers the fundamentals of calculating the carbon footprint of an organization and provides insights on how to make the most of its results. As all our courses, it is available only in Italian.
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